Integrated Fire Risk Management (INFRA) Service

Lead: Vito Vitale, National Research Council

Arctic PASSION is developing a web mapping service for wildfires to make the access to relevant information and products easier from diverse sources.  Focusing on a local scale, INFRA provides the possibility to generate and distribute messages on wildfires that are tailored to non-scientific end-users like municipalities, as well as Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The service currently covers the following areas:

A screenshot of the INFRA map over Alaska/Canada. 


To improve the information chain on wildfires targeted towards non-professional users, providing smart tools to interpret and transform data more easily into products and messages customized to end-user needs, with an emphasis on the local scale.


Perceptions of risk determines, to a large extent, people's responses in emergency situations. To increase the resilience of Arctic communities and people when it comes to wildfires, it’s important to build an effective culture of risk management where differences between the ecological role of fire and the risk-prevention measures of wildfires are clearly understood.


The INFRA service aims to simplify access to relevant information and products on wildfires from diverse sources. Most importantly, it makes it possible to manage, integrate, and transform information thanks to its modularity.

The INFRA service is based on several modules and IT platforms, the most important being:

    A web-GIS platform through which it is possible to present, combine, and integrate all the informational layers produced by INFRA or collected from other sources and services.
    A platform through which to distribute information and messages to users. Messages can easily be handled and adapted to specific needs and generated following the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Standard. 

The novelty of the INFRA service lies in the attention to the local scale, and developing tools suitable for generating messages that are tailored to the category of users you intend to reach.

Photo by GRID-Arendal / Peter Prokosch

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