State of the Arctic Environment

Leads: Arild Sundfjord, Norwegian Polar Institute; Øystein Godøy, Norwegian Meteorological Institute and Anna Sinisalo, GRID-Arendal

State of the Arctic Environment

Our aim is to provide a free, objective and sustainable service that is comprehensive enough to fulfil a broad range of needs and applications.

A screenshot of the website under development.


There is currently no single website that provides the latest scientific information on the state of or trends of key Arctic environmental variables. The State of the Arctic Environment website will display a suite of the most relevant Arctic climate and environment indicators for the terrestrial, cryosphere, atmosphere and marine domains. Based on interviews and surveys with a group of potential users, we have identified the most useful environmental indicators to be presented in the service website and will include scientific information and traditional knowledge on these indicators. The service relies on existing data, including data produced by Arctic PASSION partners, although some new products demanded by users may be included on the website.

Photo by GRID-Arendal / Peter Prokosch

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