Arctic Passion Ambassadors Published Article In The Finnish Climate Bulletine

by Jaakko Juvonen and Kaisa Juhanko | Published: 26-Aug-24 | Last updated: 26-Aug-24 | Tags : Arctic youth | category: NEWS

The Sharing Circle participants and early career professionals of the Arctic PASSION project Jaakko Juvonen and Kaisa Juhanko wrote an article for the Finnish Climate Bulletin "Ilmastokatsaus”, a newspaper published by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. This was produced as part of their Arctic PASSION Ambassador project after the Sharing Circle event. 

From left: Jaakko Juvonen and Kaisa Juhanko. Photo by Olivia Rempel/GRID-Arendal

In recent decades, the Arctic has warmed almost four times faster than the global average, significantly impacting fragile ecosystems and the livelihoods of indigenous peoples. Rising temperatures are changing the fauna of the Arctic, not only by introducing new species from the south, but also by affecting the habitats, food supply and migration routes of local species. Furthermore, the traditions and culture of indigenous people living in the Arctic are increasingly threatened by the changing climate. Thus warming in the Arctic presents substantial risks, it also opens economic opportunities; for example previously unreachable oil, gas, and mineral resources become accessible due to melting sea ice and permafrost. This article delves into the complexities of balancing these economic opportunities with the needs of local communities and environmental conservation, to ensure the future viability of the Arctic region.

Read the full article here (only in Finnish)

Permafrost structures during the Sharing Circle programme in Northern Finland. Photo by Olivia Rempel/GRID-Arendal.