Arctic Passion At The 2024 European Polar Science Week

by Sabrina Heerema | Published: 15-Jul-24 | Last updated: 15-Jul-24 | Tags : Arctic event policy | category: EVENT

The 2nd European Polar Science Week is an important milestone in the cooperation between the European Commission and the European Space Agency. The overall objective of the European Polar Science Week is to bring together the European polar science community and reinforce European cooperation for polar science.

Arctic PASSION will contribute with several sessions:

Day 1, Tuesday, September 3rd

16:30 - 18:00 COPERNICUS POLAR ROADMAP FOR SERVICE EVOLUTION PLENARY, Panel Discussion: In-situ activities in the Polar areas

Day 3, Thursday, September 5th

9-10:30: Parallel session 15 – Arctic Navigation- Practical application of sea ice information in current and future maritime operations. Chaired by Andrew Fleming (British Antarctic Survey)

  • Patterns of historic Arctic shipping risk in sea ice and how they inform future information needs to support Arctic ship operations. Andrew Fleming (British Antarctic Survey)
  • IcySea – Building Digital Aids for Ice Navigators. Lasse Rabenstein (Drift+Noise Polar Services)
  • Modern ice charting on the ice breaker RV Polarstern. Thomas Krumpen (Alfred Wegener Institute)
  • Deriving novel IMO Polar Code POLARIS sea ice risk forecasts from models to mitigate sea ice hazards. Xinfang Zhang (FMI)
  • Provision of metrics and visualisation of sea ice information and forecasts to ensure relevance for Arctic maritime stakeholders. Penny Wagner (Met Norway)

11-12:30: PARALLEL SESSION 16 - Developing the Atlantic-Arctic Distributed Biological Observatory (A-DBO): Improved observational capacity in the high Arctic. Chaired by: Arild Sundfjord (Norwegian Polar Institute)

  • Why an Atlantic DBO? Michael Karcher
  • How an Atlantic DBO? Anna Nikolopoulos
  • Atlantification in the Svalbard and Fram Strait regions and its impact on deep-sea properties: a view from combined in situ and satellite data. Manuel Bensi
  • The Polar Ocean Mitigation Potential (POMP) project and the A-DBO. Mikael Sejr
  • Bridging Biological Observations and Models in Polar Oceans: Insights from the CRiceS Project. Letizia Tadesco

Day 4, Friday, September 6th

9-10:30: PARALLEL SESSION 26 - Strategies for Arctic observing - The importance of ground observations. 

  • The ROADS process with a focus on the status of the development of Shared Arctic Variables within permafrost. Ilkka Matero (Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System)

11-12:30: PARALLEL SESSION 27 - The Real-World Impact of AI in the Polar Regions

  • Accessible air quality forecasts for Arctic communities: How AI can help citizens and policy-makers. Illaria Crotti (European Commission Joint Research Centre Italy)

11-12:30: PARALLEL SESSION 28 - FAIR scientific data in support of polar monitoring and assessment efforts. Chaired by: Øystein Godøy (METNO), Mathias Bavay (WSL/SLF), Ilkka Matero (SIOS KC)

  • GCW data management as a bridge between scientific communities and WMO Information System. Øystein Godøy
  • SAON Data management in support of assessments. Jan Rene Larsen
  • The SIOS Data Management System. Ilkka Matero
  • PROMICE and GE-NET data within information networks like WMO GCW. Mads Christian Lund
  • MeteoIO as a data publication service in the context of Arctic PASSION and WMO GCW. Mathias Bavay

The deadline to register for European Polar Science Week is July 31st 2024.